14th October 2014 – 4th January 2015
Installation view, Building (2006/14)
Digital print on vinyl, wood, sand and strip lights.
Approximate dimensions :h275 x w320 x d240cm
Speaking about her constructed spaces, Anne Hardy says: ‘it’s not about fantasy, it’s about how odd reality is.’ She goes on to say: ‘the kind of space I am fascinated with is just there, next to you, and you don’t see it.’ Two Joined Fields – Field (/\) and Field (decagon) (2013) is the first of Hardy’s works that you can actually walk into. All of her earlier constructions were built to be photographed and then destroyed. (Six of these large-scale photographs are shown on the Hayward’s sculpture terraces.) With Two Joined Fields, the viewer must walk around the outside of the structure to find the entrance to its interior. This other space-within-a-space is hidden in full view. About the structure as a whole, she says: ‘I am interested in how someone’s psychological space might generate a physical reality. The interior of Two Joined Fields is an attempt to make a physically existent psychological “head space”.’
Installation view, Cipher (2008/14)
Digital print on vinyl, wood, sand and strip lights.
Approximate dimensions : h315 x w363 x d240cm
Installation view, Suite (2012/14)
Digital print on vinyl, wood, sand and striplights
Approximate Dimensions : h340 x w362 x d240cm
Installation view, Rift (2011/14)
Installation view, Close Range (2006/14)
Installation view, Unity (2008/2014)
Installation view, Two Joined Fields (2013) – exterior view
Installation view, Two Joined Fields (2013) – interior view
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